Number of Fishermen in Gaza Strip  by Governorate and Number of Boats in Gaza Strip by Governorate and Type of Boat, 2018

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  Total  No. of Boats Type of Boat      No. of Fishermen Governorate
Hasaka with Oars and Felucca Hasaka Motor Launch Shanshula Launch Trawler
1,261 422 772 52 15 3,617 Gaza Strip
692 209 426 42 15 1,888 *Gaza
219 70 148 1 - 610 Dier Al-Balah
180 68 108 4 - 680 KhanYunis
170 75 90 5 - 439 Rafah

(-) : Not available
*: Includs data of both North Gaza and Gaza Governorate.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, 2018. Ramallah - Palestine.