Selected Indicators for Water Statistics in Palestine (1), 2018


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Unit: million m3





Annual Available Water Quantity


Annual Pumped Quantity from Groundwater Wells(2)


Annual Discharge of Springs Water(3)


 Quantity of Water Supply for Domestic Sector


Daily Consumption Rate per capita (liter/capita/day)


Desliniated Drinking Water (4)


Annual Quantity of Water Purchased from Israeli Water Company (Mekorot)(5) 

(1)  Data exclude those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.

(2) This includes  the unsafe pumping from the coastal aquifer in the Gaza Strip (and does not include the abstraction of the unlicensed wells in Gaza), of which the safe pumping and the basin sustainable yield do not exceed 50-60 million m3 from the abstracted 198.6 million m3. About 100 million m3 is sea water from return flow (sea Water intrusion). About 97% of the water pumped from the coastal aquifer does not satisfy the water quality standards of the World Health Organization.

(3)This does not include Fashkha springs group for the years (2011-2018).

(4) Desalinated water plants owned by private sector, suplied people with bottled desalinated drinking water   

(5) This includes 4.4 million m3 supplied for agricultural use in Tubas and Northern Valleys.

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Source: Palestinian Water Authority, 2018.  Water Information System.
 Ramallah - Palestine.