Description |
Survey's questionnaire
The survey questionnaire on The Impact of the War and Siege on Gaza Strip Survey, 2009 is the main instrument for data collection, and thus its design took into consideration the standard technical specifications to facilitate the collection, processing and analysis of data. Because this type of specialized surveys is new to PCBS, relevant experiences of other countries and international best practices were thoroughly reviewed to ensure the contents and design of the survey's instruments are within international standards. The survey's questionnaire includes the following basic components:
Identification data:
The identification data constitutes the key that uniquely identifies each questionnaire.
The key consists of the questionnaire' serial number, houshold number.
Data quality controls:
A set of quality controls were developed and incorporated into the different phases of the The Impact of the War and Siege on Gaza Strip Survey, 2009 including field operations, office editing, office coding, data processing and survey documentation |