Accuracy of the Data
Two types of errors affected the quality of the report's data, sampling and non sampling errors. Sampling errors are measurable and very limited in this report, because the study covered all educational establishments in the Palestinian Territory. The non-sampling errors could not be determined easily, due to the diversity of sources (e.g. the interviewers, respondents, editors, coders, date entry operators…etc). To minimize such errors data was edited before and after the entry process.
One of the most important goals to publish annual reports to the statistics of the environment for the education sector is to create a time series tables for the most important indicators relating to environmental conditions and circumstances of this important sector in the Palestinian Territory.
Notes that the report does not contain data on previous years since it implemented for the first time. This report covers as the most important environment-related indicators for the educational sector in 2008.
As for the geographic database, notes that schools are covered in full for all provinces, but data for higher education establishments were lacking in some governorates of establishments of higher education, noting that the data contained on higher education has been deployed in the region (the West Bank, Gaza Strip).
Comparison of the Data
Survey carried out for the first time, so there is no previous data to be compared, but the results were compared with data for the World Health Organization.
Special Technical Notes
Can be summarized as sources of some non-statistical errors that have emerged during the implementation of the survey with the following:
1. Differentiation on understanding the questionnaires.
2. Variation in individual measurements of some different issues such as the amount of water consumed and the amount of solid waste generated has been appreciated, in addition to questions relating to estimates of sizes, distances and time periods.