HH serial number in sample
Individual’s line no D01
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling to worried about the lack of enough food to eat because of lack of money or provide other sources
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling to the inability to eat healthy and nutritious food because of lack of money or other sources
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling to eat a few kinds foods because of lack of money or other sources
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling to give up a meal because there was not enough money or other resources to get food
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling to eat less than you thought you should because of a lack of money or other resources
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling that the food ran out on household because of a lack of money or other resources
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling by Hunger with no eating because there was not enough money or other resources for food
During the past 12 months, Do you have a feeling to Do not eat for a whole day because of a lack of money or other sources
relative weight
Locality Type
Cases: | 3046 |
Variables: | 15 |