Questionnaire serial number
final result
Locality type
Area Type
Age Group
Marital status
Number of family members
Relationship to head of household
Education Status
Relation to work force during the last week?
Sector you work/worked in
Net average monthly income of the family in Shekels
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any Israeli side/security agencies within the past 12 months
Which of the Israeli sides/security agencies did you resort/call/interact/communicate with during the past 12 months (including arrest and detention)/Israeli police
Which of the Israeli sides/security agencies did you resort/call/interact/communicate with during the past 12 months (including arrest and detention)/Civil courts
Which of the Israeli sides/security agencies did you resort/call/interact/communicate with during the past 12 months (including arrest and detention)/Military courts
Which of the Israeli sides/security agencies did you resort/call/interact/communicate with during the past 12 months (including arrest and detention)/Civil prisons
Which of the Israeli sides/security agencies did you resort/call/interact/communicate with during the past 12 months (including arrest and detention)/Military prisons
Which of the Israeli sides/security agencies did you resort/call/interact/communicate with during the past 12 months (including arrest and detention)/Israeli army
Which of the Israeli sides/security agencies did you resort/call/interact/communicate with during the past 12 months (including arrest and detention)/Other official Israeli side
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Palestinian civil police
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Regular courts
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Sharia’ (religious) courts/Church courts
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Military courts
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Civil prisons (Correction and rehabilitation centers)
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Public prosecution
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Palestinian security forces (preventive security, intelligence, etc.)
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Ministry of Justice
Did you resort/call/interact/communicate with any of the institutions of the justice and Palestinian security sector during the past 12 months/Ministry of Interior
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Traffic accident/ ticket
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Property/car theft
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Cases of violence (fight/assault)
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Political/intellectual reasons
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Land disputes
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Work disputes/injuries
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Insurance cases
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Financial cases
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Cases of domestic violence
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Custody cases (custody of children after divorce or separation)
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Inheritance cases
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Divorce/marriage cases
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Alimony cases
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Visit to prisons (correction and rehabilitation centers)
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Requesting a service
What is the nature of the case/service for which you communicated/resorted/interacted with institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months/Other
If you had resorted /called /interacted /communicated with any of the institutions of the Palestinian sector of justice and security during the past 12 months, what was your legal capacity? (Last communication or interaction)
Did you get legal aid from any side? (for the last communication or interaction)
If you had received legal aid, who provided it:(last communication or interaction)
If you had received legal aid from any side, was it for free? (Last communication or interaction)
What is your level of satisfaction with the way Palestinian courts/institutions of Palestinian justice and security sector handled the case during the past 12 months? (Last communication or interaction)
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/Case follow up procedures/service took a long time
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/I did not feel that my case/requested service was not taken serious
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/I did not feel that the exerted effort was adequate to help me get
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/I did not feel that I received the necessary help for reasons
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/Lack of judges/employees specialized in my case
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/Court rulings were not fair
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/Israeli courts prevented Palestinian courts/institutions of justice
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/I was not shown respect at court/institutions of Palestinian justic
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/I was asked directly or implicitly to give a bribe
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/I was discriminated against for reasons related to academic and pro
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the Palestinian courts/institutions of the justice and security sector in handling your case, what was the reason for your dissatisfaction/Other
In general, if you faced failure to perform as required or abuse of power by …are you aware of how you can complain against it/The judge at court
In general, if you faced failure to perform as required or abuse of power by …are you aware of how you can complain against it/Prosecutor/member of prosecution/ representative of the prosecution
In general, if you faced failure to perform as required or abuse of power by …are you aware of how you can complain against it/Your lawyer
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, would you resort to courts or the official judiciary?
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Courts are the only legitimate/legal party through which conflicts are resolved
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Courts are capable of preventing violence
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Justice is guaranteed through resorting to courts
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Non-formal or tribal justice is unfair
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Non-formal or tribal justice is ineffective
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Laws that courts refer to are clear and comprehensive and take into consideration all the contentious aspects
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Courts can issue rulings for all cases without family, political party or movement, sex, or age considerations.
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Case follow up procedures and resolution in courts are quick
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Courts have competent judges to deal with my case
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Laws that courts work with are based on human rights principles.
If you face conflicts and disputes in the future with any party, and decided to resort to court, the reason would be/Other
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/I don’t trust courts
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/I cannot get my rights through courts
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/Court cases take long time to be resolved
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/Resorting to courts is very expensive and I cannot afford it financially (including lawyers’ fees)
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/Official justice system is corrupt
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/Tribal and non-formal justice system is quicker
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/I have no idea whatsoever as to how one files aclaim with the courts
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/Social traditions and norms prevent me from filing a complaint with the courts
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/I might be discriminated against because of my sex
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/Tribal and non-formal justice is more fair
If you face conflicts or disputes in the future with any party, and you decide not to resort to court, the reason for that would be/Other
During the past 12 months, have you been a victim or a witness to a crime?
Did you report or file a complaint about the incident with the Palestinian police/security agencies?
If you have reported the incident to the Palestinian police/security agencies, how long did it take from the time you reported/complained to the time in which the police handled the case (in number of days)? The researcher should record (999) if the perso
If you had filed a complaint with the Palestinian police/security agencies, what was the result/The Palestinian police/security agencies initiated an investigation into the case
If you had filed a complaint with the Palestinian police/security agencies, what was the result/The case was transferred to the public prosecution
If you had filed a complaint with the Palestinian police/security agencies, what was the result/The case led to the charging of the perpetrator
If you had filed a complaint with the Palestinian police/security agencies, what was the result/The court ruling was respected and enforced
What is your level of satisfaction with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ engagement with the case?
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/Case follow up procedures took too long
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/Investigations were not up the required standard
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/The police did not have the technical or human capacities to properly perform their work
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/The Israeli restrictions prevented the police from properly performing their work
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/I did not feel that my case was taken in serious consideration
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/I was not respected at the police station /Palestinian security agencies
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/I did not feel that the efforts exerted were adequate to help me get justice
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/I was asked directly or implicitly to give a bribe
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/I did not feel that I received the necessary assistance due to reasons related to my academic or professional status or political or relig
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/Lack of privacy or confidentiality at the police/security agencies to protect the information
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/My case was ignored because I am a woman
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/My privacy and dignity were not preserved
If you were dissatisfied with the Palestinian police/security agencies’ performance, what was the reason behind that/Other
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/I did not know the number for the police
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/I tried to call the police previously and didn’t get a response
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/The police does not have the adequate power to protect me
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/Lack of confidentiality at the police
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/One of my family members prevented me from filing a complaint whether the father/mother/brother
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/Fear of the scandal
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/I don’t trust the police
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/I wanted to avoid the bureaucratic procedures of the police
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/I was afraid that the police might abuse its power against me
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/Fear of blame from the society
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/Fear from discrimination against me based on sex
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been the victim of or the witness thereof, what was the reason that prevented you from doing that/Other
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I called my personal contacts within the PA
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I called friends and relatives
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I went to one of the civil society organizations for advice
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I took justice in my own hand
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I resorted to a leader or the leading figure within my tribe
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I resorted to civil society organizations
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I resorted to the media
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/I did nothing and remained silent
If you haven’t reported to the police the crime that you have been victim of or witness thereof, what did you do instead/Other
To what extent do you believe that Palestinian police members are performing their duties according to the law
If you faced a failure to perform as required or abuse of power by the Palestinian police, do you know how you can complain against the police
Have you or (anyone you know) filed a complaint form against the Palestinian police
If anyone had filed a complaint against the Palestinian police, do you think there will be a result for this complaint
Do you know/How to file a lawsuit against an individual or institution
Do you know/What are the limits of lawyers’ powers
Do you know/What are the limits of police powers
Do you know/What are the limits of public prosecution powers
Do you know/What are the limits of judges’ powers
Do you know/What are the duties and powers of the Ministry of Justice
Do you know/What are the duties and powers of the Palestinian Bar Association
Do you see in the Israeli occupation and its procedures on the ground as an obstacle to the strengthening of the rule of law
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/The PA is unable to hold Israelis who commit crimes in Palestinian
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/The Palestinian police needs to coordinate its movement in order
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/The Israeli occupation obstructed the work of the PLC by detaining
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/The Palestinian police is unable to access areas isolated behind
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/The legal annex of Paris Protocol is unfair and unclear and serves
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/The PA is unable to oblige witnesses living in areas B or C
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/The PA is unable to arrest accused Palestinians who flee to Israel
lease specify the nature of the Israeli occupation’s restrictions that you see have obstructed/are obstructing the work of the institutions of the Palestinian justice and security sectors/Other
Do you think that you bear part of the responsibility for supporting the rule of law or does the responsibility or that fall completely on the shoulders of the state of Palestine
Please mention everything that you believe is your personal responsibility in supporting the rule of law/Respecting the law
Please mention everything that you believe is your personal responsibility in supporting the rule of law/Not interfering/obstructing the work of the police, or the public prosecution, or the courts
Please mention everything that you believe is your personal responsibility in supporting the rule of law/Report any criminal act to the policed
Please mention everything that you believe is your personal responsibility in supporting the rule of law/Refraining from resorting to any alternative to the formal justice sector
Please mention everything that you believe is your personal responsibility in supporting the rule of law/Refraining from being a party to any suspicious corruption operation
Please mention everything that you believe is your personal responsibility in supporting the rule of law/Refraining from threatening or distorting the reputation of the victim or the witness
Please mention everything that you believe is your personal responsibility in supporting the rule of law/Support the police in its efforts to maintain stability or security
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Speed with which rulings are concluded
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Speed with which rulings are concluded
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Waiting period inside the court chamber
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Waiting period inside the court chamber
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Degree of equality in dealing with individuals before the law
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Degree of equality in dealing with individuals before the law
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Independence of courts from partisan influences
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Independence of courts from partisan influences
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Independence of courts from influence of personal, family, and tribal influences
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Independence of courts from influence of personal, family, and tribal influences
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Fairness of rulings issued by courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Fairness of rulings issued by courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Capacity of courts’ clerks
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Capacity of courts’ clerks
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Sufficiency of number of court clerks available now
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Sufficiency of number of court clerks available now
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Personal skills of court clerks
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Personal skills of court clerks
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Cleanliness, order and readiness of courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Cleanliness, order and readiness of courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Guiding sings inside the courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Guiding sings inside the courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Organization of times of court session
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Organization of times of court session
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/System of lining up inside the courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/System of lining up inside the courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Feeling safe inside the court rooms
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Feeling safe inside the court rooms
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Information services in the courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Information services in the courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Ease of access to courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Ease of access to courts
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Courts’ adaptation to meet the needs of the disabled
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Courts’ adaptation to meet the needs of the disabled
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Competence of judges
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Competence of judges
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Availability of judges who are specialized in social cases
Please specify the extent of your satisfaction with Palestinian regular courts and the religious courts (Sharia’ courts and church courts) in terms of the following/Availability of judges who are specialized in social cases
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Fraud crimes
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Murders
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Theft
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Destroying properties
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Drugs
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Domestic violence (against women, children, youth, elderly)
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Personal status: marriage, divorce, inheritance, custody, alimony
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Corruption cases
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Land disputes
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Financial claims
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Insurance cases
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Work injuries
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Honor killings
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Juvenile cases
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of courts in handling the following/Violence against individuals with special needs
To what extent are you satisfied with the role of prosecution/Complaints filed by citizens
To what extent are you satisfied with the role of prosecution/Filing a criminal lawsuit
To what extent are you satisfied with the role of prosecution/Procedures undertake during any investigation
To what extent are you satisfied with the role of prosecution/Integrity and independence of public prosecution
To what extent are you satisfied with the role of prosecution/Respect of personal privacy
To what extent are you satisfied with the role of prosecution/Competence of prosecution’s personnel
To what extent are you satisfied with the role of prosecution/Respect of privacy when interrogating women or children
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Effectiveness of the police in enforcing court rulings
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Ease of contacting the police through the phone
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Sufficiency of police stations in the area where you live
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Seriousness of police in dealing with requests of assistance submitted to them
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/The response time of police to requests of assistance submitted to them
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Ability of the police to arrest anyone anywhere
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Efficiency and effectiveness of the investigations undertaken by the police
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Extent of police compliance with the laws and procedures that govern their work
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Extent of police’s respect of personal privacy
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Family protection unit’s handling of cases of violence against women
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the police/Police performance in dealing with juveniles
To what extent are you satisfied with the judges in terms of/Number of current working judges at courts
To what extent are you satisfied with the judges in terms of/Competence of judges
To what extent are you satisfied with the judges in terms of/Experience of judges
To what extent are you satisfied with the judges in terms of/Qualifications of judges
To what extent are you satisfied with the judges in terms of/Independence of judges
To what extent are you satisfied with the judges in terms of/Fairness of judges
To what extent are you satisfied with the lawyers in terms of/Qualifications of lawyers
To what extent are you satisfied with the lawyers in terms of/Competence of lawyers
To what extent are you satisfied with the lawyers in terms of/Ease of access to lawyers
To what extent are you satisfied with the lawyers in terms of/Cost of hiring lawyers
To what extent are you satisfied with the lawyers in terms of/Sufficiency of number of lawyers in the Palestinian territories
To what extent are you satisfied with the lawyers in terms of/Integrity of lawyers in their handling of cases
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Ability of the Ministry to defend the independence of the judiciary
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Ability of the Ministry to lead the reform process within the justice sector
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Providing relevant parties with information regarding legal rights
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Ability of the Ministry to guarantee the protection of rights of vulnerable groups
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Legal aid services provided by the Ministry
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Ability of the Ministry in confronting the violations of human rights by Israeli actors
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Ability of the Ministry in confronting the violations of human rights by Palestinian security agencies
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Obtaining all official certified papers easily
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Ministry’s handling of complaints filed by citizens
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/ Obtaining certificate of no criminal record easily
To what extent are you satisfied with the Ministry of Justice in terms of/Ability of the Ministry to support and develop the process of Palestinian legislative process
To what extent are you satisfied with the services of the Ministry of Interior in general
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Regular courts
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Religious courts (Sharia’ and church courts)
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Military courts
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Public prosecution
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Procedures for filing a complaint with the Palestinian civil police
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Palestinian security forces (preventive security, intelligence, etc.)
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Ministry of Justice
To what extent are you familiar with procedures of filing a claim with institutions of the justice and security sector/Ministry of Interior
Are you confident/That you will receive a fair trial if you were charged of committing a criminal act/delinquency
Are you confident/That there will be an effective investigation if a crime is committed against you
Are you confident/That you will be able to resolve any civil conflict that you might face by resorting to courts
Are you confident/That you will receive police services quickly as soon as you ask for them
Are you confident/That you will be able to receive free legal services if you needed them
Are you confident/That Palestinian courts are well qualified
Are you confident/That the judiciary system is independent from any external influences
Are you confident/That you will be dealt with at equal footage before the judiciary
Are you confident/That you will be capable of finding an appropriate and qualified lawyer when you need a lawyer’s services
Are you confident/That the police is capable of strengthening the rule of law and enforce it across the board equally without any consideration for personal or family relations
Are you confident/That you will obtain sufficient and effective protection from the police against any external threat
Are you confident/That in the case a ruling is issued by the court, it would be enforced by the Palestinian police/public prosecution
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Palestinian civil police
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Public prosecution
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Bar Association
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Courts
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Ministry of Justice in supporting and strengthening the rule of law
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/The Palestinian government in supporting and strengthening the rule of law
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/The Palestinian Legislative Council in enhancing the rule of law
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Human rights and women organizations in strengthening the rule of law
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Politicians in supporting and strengthening of the rule of law
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/The judiciary as a whole
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/The political parties in supporting and strengthening the rule of law
To what extent do you trust institutions of the justice sector/Ministry of Interior
During the past 12 months, have you participated in any awareness-raising or educational workshops or attended meetings or events regarding the subject of security and justice in /Mechanisms and procedures of lawsuits (Lawsuits proceed)
During the past 12 months, have you participated in any awareness-raising or educational workshops or attended meetings or events regarding the subject of security and justice in /Law on family protection and personal status law (draftS or bills)
During the past 12 months, have you participated in any awareness-raising or educational workshops or attended meetings or events regarding the subject of security and justice in /Human rights principles
During the past 12 months, have you participated in any awareness-raising or educational workshops or attended meetings or events regarding the subject of security and justice in/Palestinian legislations and laws
During the past 12 months, have you participated in any awareness-raising or educational workshops or attended meetings or events regarding the subject of security and justice in/Role of Palestinian police and security agencies
During the past 12 months, have you participated in any awareness-raising or educational workshops or attended meetings or events regarding the subject of security and justice in/Cases of domestic violence
During the past 12 months, have you participated in any awareness-raising or educational workshops or attended meetings or events regarding the subject of security and justice in /Other
Are you aware of the existence of an Anti-Corruption Commission in Palestine
To what extent do you have confidence in the work of the Anti-Corruption Commission
To what extent are you satisfied with the performance of the Anti-Corruption Commission
Reltive Weight
Cases: | 6823 |
Variables: | 300 |