Number of Operating Establishments in Palestine by Main Economic Activity and Governorate, 2012


Palestine West Bank Governorate Main Economic Activity ISIC
Jenin Tubas Tulkarm Nablus Qalqiliya Salfit Ramallah & Al-Bireh
282 258 11 - 6 56 - 2 8 Mining and quarrying  B
17,917 13,028 1,366 168 860 2,534 614 411 1,520 Manufacturing  C
96 83 14 3 8 20 - - 4 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply  D
730 300 62 9 65 34 58 - 14 Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities E
632 429 31 5 16 91 11 7 128 Construction F
74,079 49,642 6,569 911 3,798 8,025 2,168 1,225 6,184 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles G
4,046 1,922 402 20 122 222 95 38 292 Transportation and storage H
6,896 5,006 630 84 399 840 207 133 862 Accommodation and food service activities I
1,007 691 28 11 60 104 23 18 220 Information and communication J
1,127 800 69 13 44 135 34 25 171 Financial and insurance activities K
334 209 13 1 4 29 4 - 90 Real estate activities L
4,013 2,971 254 28 183 439 92 53 789 Professional, scientific and technical activities M
1,991 1,244 106 20 70 182 46 20 226 Administrative and support service activities N
1,606 1,384 161 58 115 170 96 68 254 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security O
5,649 4,081 475 83 290 555 165 134 570 Education P
5,793 4,316 463 49 269 577 130 111 703 Human health and social work activities Q
2,252 1,630 267 32 136 247 81 60 269 Arts, entertainment and recreation R
16,156 10,143 1,132 179 717 1,581 505 318 1,426 Other service activities S
6 6 - - - 3 - - 3 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use T
310 205 8 3 11 20 3 2 84 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies U
47 43 7 - 2 6 - - 2 Not stated  
144,969 98,391 12,068 1,677 7,175 15,870 4,332 2,625 13,819 Total  
Governorate Main Economic Activity ISIC
Jericho & Al-Aghwar Jerusalem Bethlehem Hebron Gaza Strip North Gaza Gaza Dier Al-Balah Khan Yunis Rafah
- 6 20 149 24 2 16 1 4 1 Mining and quarrying  B
109 1,111 1,184 3,151 4,889 832 2,178 610 820 449 Manufacturing  C
3 9 4 18 13 3 4 2 2 2 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply  D
3 10 17 28 430 117 82 34 140 57 Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities E
4 34 28 74 203 21 125 7 32 18 Construction F
689 5,461 3,531 11,081 24,437 4,075 9,870 3,052 4,460 2,980 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles G
49 162 141 379 2,124 173 864 301 533 253 Transportation and storage H
79 608 382 782 1,890 279 766 271 340 234 Accommodation and food service activities I
6 68 44 109 316 25 169 23 61 38 Information and communication J
18 82 82 127 327 46 152 40 53 36 Financial and insurance activities K
4 14 9 41 125 25 73 7 4 16 Real estate activities L
38 335 214 546 1,042 150 509 124 162 97 Professional, scientific and technical activities M
34 149 138 253 747 113 264 107 140 123 Administrative and support service activities N
64 86 101 211 222 19 101 26 47 29 Public administration and defense; compulsory social security O
76 530 352 851 1,568 221 617 213 322 195 Education P
52 477 408 1,077 1,477 184 634 193 306 160 Human health and social work activities Q
42 161 113 222 622 119 197 98 117 91 Arts, entertainment and recreation R
193 1,110 823 2,159 6,013 1,100 2,124 1,003 1,082 704 Other service activities S
- - - - - - - - - - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use T
10 30 14 20 105 6 64 17 11 7 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies U
- 21 1 4 4 - 1 - - 3 Not stated  
1,473 10,464 7,606 21,282 46,578 7,510 18,810 6,129 8,636 5,493 Total