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National Greenhouse Gas Inventory in Palestine*, 2022
Categories Emission from Carbon Dioxide
Emission from Methane
Emission from Nitrous Oxide
Total National Emissions
(1000 ton of CO2 eq.)
Total National Emissions and Removals  4,923.65 45.98 1.92 6,483.71
1 - Energy  4,950.83 2.34 0.21 5,064.2
1.A - Fuel Combustion Activities  4,950.83 2.34 0.21 5,064.2
1.A.1 - Energy Industries  452.91 0.04 0.01 455.89
1.A.2 - Manufacturing Industries and Construction  100.57 0.01 0.0 101.07
1.A.3 - Transport  3,562.8 0.62 0.18 3,631.51
1.A.4 - Other Sectors  834.54 1.67 0.02 875.73
2 - Industrial Processes and Product Use  NE NE NE 0.0
3 - Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use 


8.89 1.16 514.17
3.A - Livestock  0.00 8.89 0.0 186.75
 3.A.1 - Enteric Fermentation  NO 7.22 NO


3.A.2 - Manure Management  NO 1.67 0.0 35.17
3.B - Land 


0.0 0.0 31.59-
3.B.1 - Forest land 


NO NO 31.59-
3.C - Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land  0.00 0.0 1.16 359.01
3.C.4 - Direct N2O Emissions from managed soils  0.00 0.0 1.16 359.01
4 - Waste  4.41 34.74 0.55 905.33
4.A - Solid Waste Disposal  0.00 14.19 0.0 297.89
4.C - Incineration and Open Burning of Waste 4.41 0.64 0.01 21.29
4.D - Wastewater Treatment and Discharge  0.00 19.92 0.54 586.15

Greenhouse gas inventories are emission inventories of greenhouse gas emissions that are developed for a variety of reasons. Scientists use inventories of natural and anthropogenic (human-caused) emissions as tools when developing atmospheric models. Policy makers use inventories to develop strategies and policies for emissions reductions and to track the progress of those policies.

Gg: Giga gram which equals 1000 ton

CO2: Carbon dioxide
CH4: Methane (1 ton of CH4 equivallent to 21 ton of CO2)
N2O: Nitrous oxide (1 ton of N2O equivallent to 310 ton of CO2)
NO: Not Occurring
NE: Not Estimated 
*: For more details about the methodology, data quality and calculations, please refer to "Emissions to Air 2014" report on the following link:
* Data exclude those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israel Occupation in 1967.