Energy Balance of Palestine in Physical Units, 2022

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Flows Electricity (MWh) Diesel (1000 Liters)
Gasoline (1000 Liters)
Kerosene (1000 Liters)
     Fuel Oil  (1000 Liters)    LPG (Ton) Oils and Lubricants  (Ton) Bitumen  (Ton) Olive Cake (Ton) Wood and Charcoal (Ton) Solar Energy (MWh)
1.1 Primary production        341,170                   -                -                  -                    -                      -                      -                        -          82,170        241,141           1,782,810
1.2 Imports    7,212,121  1,123,219   425,295         2,018              271        227,738                271               9,952                     -            7,370                            -
1.3 Exports                     - 0                -                  - -14                      -                  14-  -                      - -846                            -
1.4 Stock change                     -                   -                -                  -                    -                      -                      -                        -                     -                            -
1.Total energy supply    7,553,291  1,123,219   425,295         2,018              257        227,738                257               9,952          82,170        247,665           1,782,810
2. Statistical differences                     -                   -                -                  -                    -                      -                      -                        -                     -                     -                            -
3.Transformation        679,422     162,400-       1,200-                  -                    -                      -                      -                        - 0                     - 0
3.1 Electricity plants        679,422     162,400-       1,200-                  -                    -                      -                      -                        - 0                     -                            -
4. Losses        987,926                   -       3,402                 6                    -                      -                      -                        -                     -                     -              891,405
5. Final consumption    7,244,787      960,819   420,693         2,012              257        227,738                257               9,952          82,170        247,665              891,405
5.1. Final energy consumption    7,244,787      960,819   420,693         2,012                    -        227,738                      -                        -          82,170        247,665              891,405
5.1.1 By industry        634,961        11,222           834             177                    -          10,720                      -                        -          18,448            6,148                   1,630
5.1.2 By transport            1,000      932,162   413,203                  -                    -          13,423                      -                        -                     -                     -                            - Road            1,000      932,162   413,203                  -                    -          13,423                      -                        -                     -                     -                            -
5.1.3 By household and other sectors    6,608,826        17,435       6,656         1,835                    -        203,595                      -                        -          63,722        241,517              889,775 Households    4,885,021          1,290                -         1,609                    -        186,909                      -          63,722        235,887              888,145 Agriculture          33,212          6,795       4,076               31                    -             2,440                      -                        -                     -                     - Commerce & public services    1,690,593          9,350       2,580             195                    -          14,246                      -                        -                     -            5,630                   1,630
5.2 Non energy use                     -                   -                -                  -              257                      -        257.000       9,952.000                     -                     -                            -

(-): Not available
1. The efficiency of the solar water heater was considered to be 45% and the consumed energy is half of the produces quantity.
2. The technical losses in electricity in Palestine are considered to be 12% based on the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.
Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, 2023.  Ramallah -Palestine.  
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2023. Database of Foreign Trade Data 2022.  Ramallah - Palestine. 
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2023. Economic Series Surveys 2022.  Ramallah - Palestine.