Energy Balance of Palestine in Terajoul, 2022

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Flows Electricity Diesel Gasoline Kerosene Fuel Oil    LPG  Oils and Lubricants  Bitumen  Olive Cake Wood and Charcoal Solar Energy
OF which Renewable
1.1 Primary production 1,228.21                   -                     -                  -               -                  -                -                -         1,376.35    3,785.91    6,418.12    12,808.59     12,808.59
1.2 Imports 25,963.64 42,019.62 13,942.02 72.08 102.94 10,772.01         10.89     400.07                    -         115.71                 -      93,398.98          115.71
1.3 Exports                         -                   -                     -                  -               -                  -           0.56-              -                      -           13.28-                 -              13.84-            13.28-
1.4 Stock change                         -                   -                     -                  -               -                  -                -                -                      -                  -                   -                     -                      -  
1.Total energy supply 27,191.85 42,019.62 13,942.02 72.08 102.94 10,772.01         10.33     400.07       1,376.35    3,888.34    6,418.12  106,193.73     12,911.02
2. Statistical differences                         -                   -                     -                  -               -                  -                -                -                      -                  -                   -                     -                      -  
3.Transformation 2,445.92 -6,075.38 -39.34                  -               -                  -                -                -                      -                  -                   -        3,668.80-                    -  
3.1 Electricity plants 2,445.92 -6,075.38 -39.34                  -               -                  -                -                -                      -                  -                   -        3,668.80-                    -  
4. Losses 3,556.53 0.00 111.52 0.21         0.04                  -                -                -                      -                  -      3,209.06      6,877.36       3,209.06
5. Final consumption 26,081.24 35,944.24 13,791.16 71.87 102.90 10,772.01         10.33     400.07       1,376.35    3,888.34    3,209.06    95,647.57       9,701.95
5.1. Final energy consumption 26,081.24 35,944.24 13,791.16 71.87 102.90 10,772.01                -                -         1,376.35    3,888.34    3,209.06    95,237.17       9,701.95
5.1.1 By industry 2,285.86 419.82 27.34 6.32 51.45 507.06                -                -             309.00         96.52            5.87      3,709.24          820.79
5.1.2 By transport 3.60 34,872.18 13,545.62                  -               - 634.91              -                      -                  -                   -      49,056.31                    - Road                         - 34,872.18 13,545.62                  -               - 634.91                -                -                      -                  -                   -      49,052.71                    -  
5.1.3 By household and other sectors 23,791.78 652.24 218.20 65.55 51.45 9,630.04                -                -         1,067.35    3,791.82    3,203.19    42,471.62       8,881.16 Households 17,586.08 48.26                     - 57.47               - 8,840.80                -                -         1,067.35    3,703.43    3,197.32    34,500.71       8,377.50 Agriculture 119.56 254.20 133.62 1.11               - 115.40              -                      -                  -                   -            623.89                    - Commerce & public services 6,086.14 349.78 84.58 6.97 51.45 673.84                -                -                      -           88.39            5.87      7,347.02          503.66
5.2 Non energy use                         -                   -                     -                  -               -                  -         10.33     400.07                    -                  -                   -            410.40                    -  

(-): Not available  
1. The efficiency of the solar water heater was considered to be 45% and the consumed energy is half of the produces quantity.
2. The technical losses in electricity in Palestine are considered to be 12% based on the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.
Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, 2023.  Ramallah -Palestine.  
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2023. Database of Foreign Trade Data 2022.  Ramallah - Palestine. 
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2023. Economic Series Surveys 2022.  Ramallah - Palestine.