Eggs Prepared for Hatching and Produced Chicks (Broilers) in Operating Hatcheries in Palestine by Governorate, 2021

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Number in Thousand


 Layers  Broilers Governorate
Number of Produced Chicks Eggs Prepared for Hatching Number of Produced Chicks Eggs Prepared for Hatching Number of Produced Chicks Eggs Prepared for Hatching
81,407.1 107,613.3 487.7 677.6 80,919.4 106,935.7 Palestine
59,353.4 79,961.7 - - 59,353.4 79,961.7 West Bank
31,562.7 41,679.7 - - 31,562.7 41,679.7 Jenin
- - - - - - Tubas & Northern Valleys  
19,476.7 27,565.4 - - 19,476.7 27,565.4 Tulkarm
2,150.6 2,881.5 - - 2,150.6 2,881.5 Nablus
- - - - - - Qalqiliya
- - - - - - Salfit
- - - - - - Ramallah & Al-Bireh
- - - - - - Jericho & AL- Aghwar
- - - - - - Jerusalem
- - - - - - Bethlehem
6,163.4 7,835.1 - - 6,163.4 7,835.1 Hebron
22,053.7 27,651.6 487.7 677.6 21,566.0 26,974.0 Gaza Strip
3,954.2 4,828.1 18.6 49.8 3,935.6 4,778.3 North Gaza
5,977.3 7,568.3 - - 5,977.3 7,568.3 Gaza
6,367.8 7,825.5 154.8 200.0 6,213.0 7,625.5 Dier Al-Balah
3,012.4 3,858.2 314.3 427.8 2,698.1 3,430.4 KhanYunis
2,742.0 3,571.5 - - 2,742.0 3,571.5 Rafah

(-) : Nill
Source: Operating Hatcheries, 2022. Palestine