Operational Agricultural Cooperative Societies in Palestine* by Region and Type of Activity, 2020

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Type of Activity

Others Marketing Lending and Supply of Inputs Olive Pressing Agricultural Services Bees Breeding Livestock and Poultry Breeding Agricultural Production
162 10 15 17 28 9 43 40 Palestine
144 8 2 16 26 9 43 40 West Bank
87 7 - 13 11 3 26 27 North of West Bank
29 1 - 1 7 5 11 4 Middle of West Bank
28 - 2 2 8 1 6 9 South of West Bank
18 2 13 1 2 - - - Gaza Strip

(-) : Nill
*  The Data Excludes Those Parts of Jerusalem which were Annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967
Source: Ministry of Labor, 2021. Ramallah - Palestine.