Labour Force Survey
Press Release on The Results of Survey
(January –March, 1999)

In its efforts to provide official statistical data at the national level, and in view of the fact that developmental and social planning in Palestine requires a supply of credible statistics in all sectors of Palestinian society, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) is conducting a labour force survey programme, comprised of series of household surveys on labour force on a biannual basis. The surveys are conducted on a quarterly (every 3 months) basis the first one was conducted in July 1996.

Data were collected in the period January 9, 1999 to 9 April. The study is based on a sample of about 7,580 household for each quarter of the year.

The data consists of the main statistical indicators related to the Palestinian labour force, and the analysis of the main characteristics of the Palestinian labour force pertaining to the following: labour force distribution, occupation, industry, number of working hours and wages. The data covering unemployment and its main characteristics, and the unemployed and their distribution by age, sex and education. As well, survey studies underemployment.

The survey provided 30 employment opportunities in the area of households listing, in addition to the training of 30 individuals during the course of the survey.

The main findings of the survey show that the labour force participation rate (LFPR) in the Palestinian Territories reached 41.1% of which 43.2% in the West Bank and 36.5% in the Gaza Strip.

The unemployment rate reached 18.9% in the Gaza Strip and 11.8% in the West Bank.

On the other hand, the underemployment rate in the Gaza Strip is 2.1% and in the West Bank 7.5%. This means that the combined unemployment and underemployment rate was 19.8% in the Palestinian Territory, 21.0% in the Gaza Strip and 19.3% in the West Bank.

The percentage of Palestinians employed in Israel and Israeli Settlements 23.6%. The percentage of persons employed in industry is as follows: 12.7% in agriculture, 15.0% in mining, quarrying and manufacturing, 17.6% in commerce, hotels and restaurants, 4.2% in communication, storage and transportation, 21.4% in construction and 29.1% in services and other branches.

Finally, the survey’s plan fully follows the United Nations (UN) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) standards and recommendations, taking into account the characteristics the Palestinian society. The survey provides data, which may be, used the various PNA ministries, research institutions, as well as independent researchers.

Main Findings

Population aged 15 years and above

  • The percentage of population aged 15 years and higher is 53.1%
  • The labour force participation rate reached 41.1% in the Palestinian Territory, 43.3% in the West Bank and 36.6% in Gaza Strip.

The distribution of labour force participants by labour force components and region is as follows:

Region Full Employment Underemployment Unemployment Total (%)
West Bank 80.7 7.5 11.8 100%
Gaza Strip 79 2.1 18.9 100%
Palestinian Territory 80.2 5.9 13.9 100%

3-3 Employment

Employed persons are distributed by employment status as follows:

Employment Status West Bank (%) Gaza Strip (%) Palestinian Territory (%)
Employer 7.2 2.8 6
Self Employed 19.1 19.6 19.3
Wage Employee 65.6 72.3 67.5
Unpaid Family Member 8.1 5.3 7.2
Total 100% 100% 100%

Employed Persons in the Palestinian Territory are Distributed by Industry and Region as Follows:

Industry West Bank (%) Gaza Strip (%) Palestinian Territory (%)
Agriculture, fishing and forestry 12.5 13.3 12.7
Mining, quarrying and manufacturing 15.6 13.4 15
Construction 23.1 17.1 21.4
Commerce, restaurants and hotels 19.2 13.3 17.6
Transportation, storage and communication 4.1 4.5 4.2
Services and other branches 25.5 38.4 29.1
Total 100% 100% 100%

Work days and hours and wages

The average weekly work hours, average monthly work days and average daily wage per employee according to Place of Work are as follows:

West Bank Gaza Strip Israel and Settlements
Average weekly work hours 43 41 44
Average monthly work days 23 24 20
Median daily net wage in NIS 57.7 45 100
Average daily net wage in NIS 63.9 49.9 102.6

3-4 Unemployment

  • The unemployment rate in the Palestinian Territory reached 13.9% on average specifically 11.8% in West Bank and 18.9% in Gaza Strip.

Distribution of Unemployment by Age and Sex:

Age Male (%) Female (%) Total (%)
15-19 23.4 18.8 23.0
20-24 19.3 23.5 19.9
25-29 13.6 20.0 14.6
30-34 10.7 19.5 12.1
35-39 9.6 15.3 10.4
40-44 9.7 4.4 8.9
45-49 8.4 9.4 8.6
50+ 10.4 0.7 8.9
Over all Average 13.6 15.5 13.9

Distribution of Unemployment by Age and Region:

Age West Bank (%) Gaza Strip (%) Total (%)
15-19 20.3 30.7 23.0
20-24 16.4 27.7 19.9
25-29 12.2 21.5 14.6
30-34 11.8 13.0 12.1
35-39 8.8 13.7 10.4
40-44 6.9 13.1 8.9
45-49 6.3 13.2 8.6
50+ 6.3 14.9 8.9
Over all Average 11.8 18.9 13.9

Distribution of Unemployment by years of schooling and Sex:

Years of Schooling Male (%) Female (%) Total (%)
0 8.3 3 5.8
1-6 14.3 5.6 13.5
7-9 15.9 8.4 15.4
10-12 14 16.7 14.2
13+ 9.8 22.9 13.5
Over all Average 13.6 15.5 13.9

Distribution of Unemployment by years of schooling and Region:

Years of Schooling West Bank (%) Gaza Strip (%) Total (%)
0 4.3 10.2 5.8
1-6 10.4 19.7 13.5
7-9 13.3 21.5 15.4
10-12 12.3 18.6 14.2
13+ 11.6 17.4 13.5
Over all Average 11.8 18.9 13.9

3-5 Persons outside labour force

  • The percentage of persons outside labour force in the Palestinian Territory reached 58.9% of which 56.7% in the West Bank and 63.4% in Gaza Strip.

Persons outside labour force in the Palestinian Territory are distributed by reason and region as follows:

Reason West Bank (%) Gaza Strip (%) Palestinian Territory (%)
Old/ill 9.5 10.1 9.7
Home making 56.1 55.8 56.0
Studying or training 23.4 26.8 24.6
Others 11.0 7.3 9.7
Total 100% 100% 100%

3-6 Labour Force Status: Further details

Population in the working age (15 years and above) are distributed according to the ILO standard classification of labour force framework by sex and labour force status as follows:

Region and Sex Employed Under-employed Unemployed Total Labour Force Outside Labour Force
West Bank
Male 80.4 8.2 11.4 100 71.9 28.1
Female 82.4 3.5 14.1 100 14 86
Total 80.7 7.5 11.8 100 43.2 56.8
Gaza Strip
Male 79.2 2.1 18.7 100 67.4 32.6
Female 76.4 2.6 21 100 7 93
Total 79 2.1 18.9 100 36.5 63.5

The circumstances of the Palestinian labour market assume taking into account the detailed information concerning the activity status of population in the working age. The following table presents the relative distribution of population in the working age by activity status.

Population 15 Years and Above by region and Labor Force Status
(January-March, 1999): Percentage

Labour Force Status West Bank Gaza Strip Palestinian Territory
Both Sexes
population aged 15 years and over ( Man Power) 55.1 49.7 53.1
Full employment (working full time: 35 hours and above) 34.9 28.9 33.0
Working less than usual (lack of employment) 0.6 0.3 0.5
Working in poor conditions or for insufficient income 2.6 0.4 1.9
Did not work and seeking job 5.1 6.9 5.7
Did not work and did not seek job due to discouragement 6.2 4.6 5.7
Did not work – old or ill 5.4 6.4 5.7
Did not work – Home duties 31.8 35.4 33.0
Did not work – Students 13.4 17.0 14.5
Population less than 15 years 44.9 50.3 46.9
Total Population 100% 100% 100%
Population aged 15 years and over ( Man Power) 54.7 49.2 52.7
Full employment (working full time: 35 hours and above) 57.8 53.4 56.4
Working less than usual (lack of employment) 1.2 0.6 1.0
Working in poor conditions or for insufficient income 4.8 0.8 3.5
Did not work and seeking job 8.2 12.6 9.6
Did not work and did not seek job due to discouragement 9.3 7.6 8.7
Did not work – old or ill 5.2 6.5 5.6
Did not work – Home duties 0.6 0.7 0.7
Did not work – Students 12.9 17.8 14.5
Population less than 15 years 45.3 51.0 47.3
Total Population 100% 100% 100%
Population aged 15 years and over ( Man Power) 55.5 50.0 53.5
Full employment (working full time: 35 hours and above) 11.5 5.3 9.4
Working less than usual (lack of employment) - - -
Working in poor conditions or for insufficient income 0.4 - 0.3
Did not work and seeking job 2.0 1.5 1.8
Did not work and did not seek job due to discouragement 3.1 1.7 2.6
Did not work – old or ill 5.6 6.3 5.8
Did not work – Home duties 63.8 68.8 65.5
Did not work – Students 13.6 16.4 14.6
population less than 15 years 44.5 51.0 46.5
Total Population 100% 100% 100%

The following table presents the estimated absolute number of distribution of population in the working age by activity status.

Population 15 Years and Above by region and Labor Force Status
(January-March, 1999): Absolute Numbers

Labour Force Status West Bank Gaza Strip Palestinian Territory
Both Sexes
population aged 15 years and over ( Man Power) 1,044,000 549,000 1,583,000
Full employment (working full time: 35 hours and above) 367,000 158,000 525,000
Working less than usual (lack of employment) 6,000 2,000 8,000
Working in poor conditions or for insufficient income 28,000 2,000 30,000
Did not work and seeking job 54,000 38,000 92,000
Did not work and did not seek job due to discouragement 66,000 25,000 91,000
Did not work – old or ill 57,000 35,000 92,000
Did not work – Home duties 328,000 187,000 515,000
Did not work – Students 138,000 92,000 230,000
Population less than 15 years 852,000 548,000 1,400,000
Total Population 1,896,000 1,087,000 2,983,000
Population aged 15 years and over ( Man Power) 534,000 270,000 804,000
Full employment (working full time: 35 hours and above) 308,000 144,000 452,000
Working less than usual (lack of employment) 6,000 2,000 8,000
Working in poor conditions or for insufficient income 26,000 2,000 28,000
Did not work and seeking job 44,000 34,000 78,000
Did not work and did not seek job due to discouragement 50,000 20,000 70,000
Did not work – old or ill 28,000 18,000 46,000
Did not work – Home duties 3,000 2,000 5,000
Did not work – Students 69,000 48,000 117,000
Population less than 15 years 443,000 278,000 721,000
Total Population 977,000 548,000 1,525,000
Population aged 15 years and over ( Man Power) 510,000 269,000 779,000
Full employment (working full time: 35 hours and above) 59,000 14,000 73,000
Working less than usual (lack of employment) - - -
Working in poor conditions or for insufficient income 2,000 - 2,000
Did not work and seeking job 10,000 4,000 14,000
Did not work and did not seek job due to discouragement 16,000 5,000 21,000
Did not work – old or ill 29,000 17,000 46,000
Did not work – Home duties 325,000 185,000 510,000
Did not work – Students 69,000 44,000 113,000
Population less than 15 years 409,000 270,000 679,000
Total Population 919,000 539,000 1,458,000


Concepts and Definitions

Man power

All persons in the West Bank and Gaza Strip aged 15 years and above.

Reference week:

The week ending on Friday preceding the interviewer’s visit to the household.


All persons are 15 years and older who were working at a paid job or business for at least one hour during the reference week, or who did not work, but held a job or owned business from which they were temporarily absent (because of illness, vacation, temporarily stoppage, or any other reason) during the reference week. Employed persons are classified according to employment status as follows:

  1. Employer
  2. Own-account worker (self-employed)
  3. Employee
  4. Unpaid family member


Unemployed persons are those individuals 15 years and older who did not work at all during the reference week, who were not absent from a job and were available for work and actively seeking a job during the reference week. Persons who work in Israel and were absent from work due to closure are considered unemployed.

Labour force:

The economically active population (Labour Force) consists of all persons 15 years and above who are either employed or unemployed as defined above at the time of survey.


Underemployment exists when a person’s employment is inadequate in relation to alternative employment, account being taken of his/her occupational skills. The underemployed persons are classified into two groups:

  1. Visible underemployment
  2. Invisible underemployment

Persons outside labour force:

The population not economically active comprises all persons 15 years and over, who were neither employed nor unemployed accordingly to the definitions above.