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Code No.TitleMonthYearRemarksPDFWordExcel
1776Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 201082011An updated version that shows a reverse in the order of the data columns (Un known, Not Applicable) In Tables 23,24
1913Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 201192012An updated version that shows a reverse in the order of the data columns (Un known, Not Applicable) In Tables 22,23
1993Israeli Settlements in Palestine Annual Statistical Report 201282013An updated version that shows a reverse in the order of the data columns (Un known, Not Applicable) In Tables 23,24
2073Israeli Settlements in Palestine Annual Statistical Report 201392014 
979Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200282003 
1058Demographic and Social Consequences of the Separation Barrier on the West Bank ( in English only)42004 
1059Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200342004 
1093Israeli Settlements in the West Bank and the Expansion and Annexation Wall Statistical Report, March 2004102004 
1187Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200482005 
1273Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200572006 
1277Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Territory, Annual Statistical Report 2005, Summary of Main Findings 72006 
1278Connectivity Survey Between Palestinian Governorates, Mid June,2006 , Main Findings72006 
1363Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200672007 
1472Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200782008 
1587Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200882009 
1677Israeli Settlements in the Palestinian Territory Annual Statistical Report 200982010 
2145Israeli Settlements in Palestine - Annual Statistical Report, 201492015 
2224Israeli Settlements in Palestine - Annual Statistical Report, 2015102016 
2326Israeli Settlements in Palestine - Annual Statistical Report, 2016112017 
2395Israeli Settlements in Palestine - Annual Statistical Report, 2017112018 
2485Israeli Settlements in Palestine - Annual Statistical Report, 2018112019 
2534Israeli Settlements in the West Bank - Annual Statistical Report, 2019112020 
2588Israeli Settlements in the West Bank - Annual Statistical Report, 2020112021 
2629Israeli Settlements in the West Bank Annual Statistical Report, 2021112022 
2683Israeli Settlements in the West Bank - Annual Statistical Report, 2022112023 