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PCBS | PCBS: The Palestinians at the end of 2015.

Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)
Palestinians at the End of 2015


Increase in population of Palestinian in the world

The projected number of Palestinians in the world is 12.37 million, of whom 4.75 million are in State of Palestine, 1.47 million in Israel, 5.46 million in Arab countries and around 685 thousand in foreign countries.


More than one-third of  population in Gaza Strip The projected number of Palestinians living in State of Palestine at the end of 2015 is 4.75 million: around 2.90 million reside in the West Bank and 1.85 million in Gaza Strip. Palestinian refugees make up 42.8% of the Palestinian population in Palestine: 27.1% of them in the West Bank and 67.3% in Gaza Strip.


Decline in fertility rate


The total fertility rate declined during 2011-2013 to 4.1 births compared with 6.0 births in 1997.  In Gaza Strip the rate was 4.5 births compared to 3.7 births in the West Bank during 2011-2013. 


Total Fertility Rate in State of Palestine, Selected Years



There has been a decline in the specific fertility rate, particularly in the early reproductive years (15-24 years).




Age-Specific Fertility Rates in State of Palestine, Selected Years



Decrease in average household size


The average household size in Palestine was 5.2 persons in 2014 compared to 6.1 in 2000: 4.9 persons in the West Bank and 5.7 persons in Gaza Strip.


Average Household Size in State of Palestine by Region, 2000, 2014





Decreasing crude birth and death rate


The crude birth rate is 31.9 births for every 1000 of population in Palestine 2015: 29.0 in the West Bank compared to 36.3 in Gaza Strip. The rate is expected to decline to 29.0 by 2020.  The crude death rate is 3.6 deaths for every 1000 of population in Palestine 2015: 3.7 in the West Bank compared to 3.4 in Gaza Strip. The rate is expected to decline to 3.4 by 2020.



High fertility rate among Palestinians in Jordan

The total fertility rate for Palestinian woman living in Jordan was 3.3 births in 2010 compared to 2.5 in Syria in 2010 and 2.8 in Lebanon in 2011.





Selected Demographic Indicators by Country of Residence, Selected Years


Country of Residence

Average Household Size

Total Fertility Rate

Jordan *



Syria *






         * Data for 2010

            **Data for 2011



The youthful Palestinian population in Israel


The number of Palestinians living in Israel is 1.47 million in the end of 2015, of whom about 34.8% are aged below 15 years compared to 4.2% aged 65 years and over for year 2014.



Higher fertility rate among Palestinians in Israel than among Jews

The total fertility rate in 2014 among Palestinian women living in Israel was 3.2 births compared to 3.1 births among women Jews. The average Palestinian household size in Israel is 4.7 persons.  The crude birth rate of Palestinians in Israel exceeded 23.8 births for every 1000 of population.



The number of Arabs in historical Palestine will exceed the number of Jews over time

The number of Arabs in historical Palestine totaled 6.22 million at the end of 2015. There were 6.22 million Jews at the end of 2014 according to estimates by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics and the number is expected to reach 6.34 million Jews by the end of 2015. The number of  Arabs and Jews will be equal before the end of 2017. However, the number of Arab in historical Palestine will total 7.13 million compared to 6.96 million Jews by the end of 2020.

Number of Arabs and Jews living in Historical Palestine


