Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) Announces the main results for Livestock Survey, 2013
Around 21.1% of animal and mixed holdings were in Hebron governorate:
There were 32,177 animal and mixed holdings in Palestine during the agricultural year 2012/2013: of these 79.8% were in the West Bank and 20.2% in Gaza Strip. The largest percentage of animal and mixed holdings was in Hebron governorate with 21.1%.
A quarter of holders of animal and mixed holdings had completed preparatory education:
Around 25.3% of holders of animal and mixed holdings in Palestine had completed preparatory education and 29.4% were aged 40-49 years during the agricultural year 2012/2013.
Around 34 thousand head of cattle: Jenin governorate raised the most cattle:
There were 33,980 head of cattle in Palestine: 75.4% in the West Bank and 24.6% in Gaza Strip. Jenin governorate raised the most cattle (15.5%) on the enumeration day, 01 October 2013.
Around 731 thousand head of sheep: Hebron governorate raised the most sheep:
There were 730,894 head of sheep in Palestine: 91.7% in the West Bank and 8.3% in Gaza Strip. Hebron governorate raised the highest percentage of sheep with 25.2% on the enumeration day, 01 October 2013.
Around 21.0% of goats were in Hebron governorate:
There were 215,335 head of goats in Palestine: 95.2% in the West Bank and 4.8% in Gaza Strip. Hebron governorate raised the highest percentage of goats with 21.0% on the enumeration day, 01 October 2013.
Percentage Distribution of cattle, sheep, and goats in Animal and Mixed Holdings in Palestine by region, 01/10/2013
31.5 million broilers raised in Palestine:
There were 31.5 million broiler birds in Palestine and 1.8 million layers during the 2012/2013 agricultural year.
Around 94.3% of beehives were modern:
There were 46,226 beehives in Palestine: 84.8% in the West Bank and 15.2% in Gaza Strip. Modern beehives constituted 94.3% of all beehives on 01 October 2013.
Most frequent practice in animal and mixed holdings is vaccination against epidemic diseases:
The results indicated that 96.9% of animal and mixed holdings with livestock in Palestine vaccinated the animals against epidemic diseases, while 33.8% of animal and mixed holdings which have poultry farms or domestic poultry vaccinated the poultry. Data show that 41.7% of animal and mixed holdings with beehives split their beehives (for production of swarm bees) during the agricultural year 2012/2013.
Most employees in animal and mixed holdings are unpaid family members:
The results indicate that 90.6% of employees in animal and mixed holdings in Palestine are unpaid family members: 83.3% in the West Bank and 16.7% in Gaza Strip.
Percentage distribution of paid and unpaid agricultural employees in animal and mixed holdings in Palestine by type of employment, 2012/2013
Value of intermediate consumption for animal production in animal and mixed holdings is NIS 2.7 billion:
The total value of intermediate consumption for animal production in animal and mixed holdings in Palestine totaled million NIS 2,694.5: 82.7% was in the West Bank and 17.3% in Gaza Strip. Concentrated feed represented around 46.1% of the total value of intermediate consumption for animal production during the agricultural year 2012/2013.