Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)
The Preliminary Estimates of Quarterly National Accounts, First Quarter,2015.
Main Results
Decrease in GDP at constant prices in Palestine* during the 1st quarter 2015 compared to the parallel quarter (1st quarter 2014)
Preliminary estimates at constant prices showed a decrease of 0.8% in GDP in Palestine* during the 1st quarter 2015 compared to the 1st quarter 2014, (increase 1.8% in West Bank* and decrease 8.2% in Gaza Strip). And it showed a decrease of 0.8% in Palestine* compared to the 4th quarter 2014 at constant prices, and the base year is 2004. GDP for the 1st quarter 2015 at constant prices was USD 1,428.1 million for West Bank* and USD 434.9 million for Gaza Strip.
Gross Domestic Product Per Capita
GDP per Capita for Palestine* at constant prices was USD 425.9 during the 1st quarter 2015, it showed a decrease of 3.6% compared to the 1st quarter 2014. As for West Bank* at constant prices it was USD 554.2 during the 1st quarter 2015, it showed a decrease by 0.9% during the 1st quarter 2015 compared to the 1st quarter 2014, and for Gaza Strip was USD 241.9 during the 1st quarter 2015, and it showed a decrease by 11.2% during the 1st quarter 2015 compared to the parallel quarter 2014.
Quarterly GDP in Palestine* at Constant Prices for the Years 2010-2015

* The data excludes those parts of Jerusalem governorate which were annexed by Israel in 1967.