Highlights the Socio-economic and Environmental Conditions after One Year of the Ongoing Israeli Occupation Aggression against Gaza Strip and the West
The Statistical Report about the Hotel Activities Survey, in the West Bank, Second Quarter 2013Read more
An International Conference on Official Statistics to be held in Palestine on Tuesday, 24/09/2013Read more
PCBS in cooperation with FAO, WFP and UNRWA, Organize a workshop on the results of Socio –Economic and Food Security surveyRead more
Ms. Awad, President of the (PCBS), is the President-Elect of the International Association of Official Statistics ( IAOS).Read more
PCBS: The Releases a Statistical Report on building licenses for the Second Quarter of 2013 .Read more
PCBS: The Price Indices for Construction Cost, Road Cost, Water Networks Cost, Sewage Networks Cost in the West Bank in July, 07/2013 Read more