H.E. Dr. Awad highlights the status of the Palestinian Woman on the Eve of the International Women’s Day on 08/03/2025
Annual StatisticsNumber of Registered Live Births in Palestine* by Region, Governorate and Sex, 2023Number of Registered Deaths in Palestine* by Region, Governorate and Sex, 2023Number of Registered Deaths in Palestine* by Region, Governorate and Sex, 2022Number of Registered Live Births in Palestine* by Region, Governorate and Sex, 2022Registered Divorces Cases in Palestine by Type and Governorate , 2022Registered Divorces Cases in Palestine by Age of Divorces and Divorcee - 2022Median Age at First Marriage in Palestine by Sex and Governorate - 2022Registered Marriages Cases in Palestine by Age of Groom and Bride - 2022Registered Marriages and Divorces Cases in Palestine by Month, 2022Estimated Crude Death Rate in the State of Palestine by Region and Sex, 2017-2021Estimated Crude Birth Rate in the State of Palestine by Region and Sex, 2017-2021
Time Series StatisticsNumber of Registered Live Births in Palestine* by Region and Governorate, 2007 - 2023Number of Registered Deaths in Palestine* by Region and Governorate, 2007 - 2023Registered Hujaj Cases of Remarriage Among Ex-divorced Spouses in Palestine by Governorate, 2013-2022Registered Annulment of Marriage (Separation) Cases in Palestine by Governorate, 2013-2022Registered Marriages Validation Cases in Palestine by Governorate, 2013-2022Crude Divorce Rate in Palestine by Governorate (2010- 2022)Registered Divorces Cases in Palestine by Governorate (2010- 2022)Crude Marriage Rate in Palestine by Governorate (2010 - 2022)Registered Marriages Cases in Palestine by Governorate (2010- 2022)
Main IndicatorsNumber of Registered Live Births and Registered Deaths in Palestine* by Region, 2022Number of Registered Live Births and Registered Deaths in Palestine* by Region, 2023Marriage and Divorce Indicators in the Palestine by Region 2022