PCBS: The Price Indices for Construction Cost, Road Cost, Water Networks Cost, Sewage Networks Cost in the West Bank, during 2024 & December, 2024
Annual StatisticsPercentage of Population Who Reported to Have Chronic Diseases by Disease, Region, Locality Size, Locality Type and Locality Classification, 2017Percentage Distribution of Population (15 Years and Above) by Educational Attainment, Sex and Region, 2017Percentage Distribution of Population (15 Years and Above) by Age Group, Sex and Labor Force Status, 2017Percentage Distribution of Palestinian Households In the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 1948 by Type of Percentage Distribution of Palestinian Households In the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 1948 by Tenure of Housing Percentage Distribution of Palestinian Households In the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 1948 by Housing Percentage Distribution of Palestinian Households In the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 1948by Assessed of living Standards Number of Students in Arab Schools (Primary Education and above) In the Occupied Palestinian Territory Percentage Distribution of Households by their Evaluation of the Quality of the Consumed Water from Public Water Network, Region, Percentage Distribution of Households (In the Palestinian Territories Occupied in 1948) by Selected Indicators forPercentage Distribution of Population (In the Palestinian Territories Occupied in 1948) (15 Years and Above) by Labor Force Number of Teachers in Arab Schools In the Palestinian Territories Occupied in 1948 by Stage and
Time Series StatisticsNumber of Palestinians In the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 1948 for Selected Years, End YearNumber of Palestinians (In the Palestinian Territories Occupied in 1948) for
Main IndicatorsDemographic Indicators for Palestinians In the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 1948, End Year 2017Demographic Indicators for Palestinians In the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 1948, End Year 2015