Monthly StatisticsWater Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Major and Subgroups in the West Bank*: September 2024 and October 2024Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank* for Months of January - December 2023 Compared to January - December 2022
Annual StatisticsMonthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank* for Months of January - December 2023 Compared to January - December 2022Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank* for Months of January - December 2021 Compared to January - December 2020Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank* for Months of January - December 2020 compared to Months of January - December 2019Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank for Months of January - December 2017 compared to Months of January - December 2016 Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank for Months of January - December 2016 compared to Months of January - December 2015 Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank for Months of January -December 2015 compared to Months of January - December 2014Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sub Groups in the West Bank for Months of January - December 2014 compared to Months of January - December 2013Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices by Sub Groups in the West Bank for Months of January - December 2013 and Percent Changes from January - December 2012 Monthly Water Networks Cost Indices by Sub Groups in the West Bank for Months of January- December 2012 and Percent Changes from January-December 2011 Water Networks Cost Indices by Sup Groups in the West Bank for Months of January - December 2010Annual Water Networks Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Sup Groups in the West Bank for 2011 Compared to 2010
Time Series StatisticsWater Networks Cost Index and Percent Change in the West Bank for the Years: 2010 - 2023
Main IndicatorsWater Networks Cost Indices by Major and Sub Groups in the West Bank for the Years 2023 and 2022