H.E. Dr. Awad highlights the status of the Palestinian Woman on the Eve of the International Women’s Day on 08/03/2025
Annual StatisticsList of Selected Indicators by Region, 2009 Percentage Distribution of Establishments in the West Bank by the Main Purpose of Using Internet, 2009Percentage Distribution of Establishments in the West Bank that Using Computer by Using Internet and Selected Variables, 2009Percentage Distribution of Establishments in the West Bank by Use of Computer and Selected Variables, 2009Percentage of Establishments with ICT Tools by Region, 2009Percentage Distribution of Establishments in the West Bank Engaged in Research and Development (R&D) and Selected Variables, 2009Percentage Distribution of Establishments in the West Bank by Reason for Not Connecting with Internet, 2009Percentage Distribution of Establishments in the West Bank Having Internet and Using Electronic Transactions by Selected Variables, 2009