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PCBS | Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2019, 2020 at current prices

Major national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2019, 2020 at current prices
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Gross Domestic Product GDP (USD million)17133.515531.7
Gross National Income GNI (USD million)20164.718024.4
Gross National Disposable Income GNDI (USD million)21856.519309.2
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita (USD)3656.73233.6

*The data excludes those parts of Jerusalem governorate which were annexed by Israel in 1967.
* Definitions:
1. Value of Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Indicator measures the total value added of all economic activities, which consists output of goods and services for final use produced by both residents and non-residents, (local factors of production) and regardless of the distribution of this production, locally or externally. during a specific period of time and does not include deductions for depreciation of fixed capital or deterioration of natural resources
2. Value of Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI): Indicator measures the total value of income available for residents, which can be spent on consumption of goods and services or for savings
3. Value of Gross Domestic Product per Capita: Indicator measures the gross domestic product per capita
* Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2021. Press Report, Preliminary Estimates of
Quarterly National Accounts (Fourth Quarter 2020). Ramallah - Palestine.