Monthly Road Cost Indices and Percent Changes by Type of Road in the West Bank* for Months of January - December 2023 Compared to January - December 2022
(Base Month December 2008=100)
Publish Date:30-01-2024
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Feb. 2023 | Mar. 2023 | Apr. 2023 | May. 2023 | Jun. 2023 | Jul. 2023 | Aug. 2023 | Sep. 2023 | Oct. 2023 | Nov. 2023 | Dec. 2023 | Avg. (1-12)\2023 West Bank | % Change |
115.76 | 116.62 | 116.41 | 116.49 | 116.42 | 116.35 | 115.63 | 117.01 | 115.94 | 116.39 | 115.69 | 116.20 | 1.59 |
114.80 | 115.68 | 115.56 | 115.59 | 115.50 | 115.44 | 116.03 | 117.49 | 117.09 | 118.02 | 117.49 | 116.10 | 2.47 |
114.59 | 115.53 | 115.38 | 115.38 | 115.29 | 115.21 | 115.42 | 116.82 | 116.45 | 117.25 | 116.62 | 115.69 | 2.18 |
114.85 | 115.92 | 115.73 | 115.68 | 115.56 | 115.45 | 115.83 | 117.47 | 117.24 | 118.08 | 117.49 | 116.15 | 2.48 |
116.20 | 117.27 | 117.12 | 117.01 | 116.86 | 116.77 | 116.99 | 118.61 | 118.36 | 119.17 | 118.52 | 117.40 | 2.27 |
115.85 | 116.83 | 116.67 | 116.66 | 116.55 | 116.47 | 116.73 | 118.24 | 117.84 | 118.65 | 118.03 | 117.01 | 2.32 |