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PCBS | Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2022-2023 at constant prices: 2015 is the base year

Quarterly national accounts variables in Palestine* for the years 2022-2023 at constant prices: 2015 is the base year
Publish Date:20-05-2024
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Gross Domestic Product GDP (USD million)3823.23867.639164028.2156353941.33974.34017.72840.414773.7
Gross National Income GNI  (USD million)4633.24633.547774817.3188614663.64662.94838.62909.717074.8
Gross National Disposable Income GNDI (USD million)5005.45048.15336.75256.520646.75147.85179.35370.43168.518866
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita (USD) 765.1769.4774.1791.43100767.6769.37735442853.9

* The data excluded those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.
** Preliminary estimates that will be revised.
*** Flash estimates. Its preliminary and will be revised

Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2024. Quarterly National Accounts Statistics, 2022-2023. Ramallah- Palestine.