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PCBS | Reported Criminal Offenses Against Persons Life in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023

Reported Criminal Offenses Against Persons Life in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023
Publish Date:09-07-2024
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Type of Criminal OffensesJeninTubas & Northern ValleysTulkarmNablusQalqiliyaSafitRamallah & Al- BirehJericho & Al-AghwarJerusalemBethlehemHebronTotal
Murder with premeditation4024303020826
Murder with Intention0123101022214
Murder without Intention000210103007
Attempted Murder497325232171451268225
Causing death244719672024731131

Note: Data excluded Gaza Strip and those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.
Intentional Murder: The death of a victim resulting from an intentional act committed by another person, including killing of parents."
Source: Directorate General of the Palestinian Police