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PCBS | Reported Criminal Assaults in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023

Reported Criminal Assaults in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023
Publish Date:09-07-2024
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Type of Criminal Offense and RegionJeninTubas & Northern ValleysTulkarmNablusQalqiliyaSafitRamallah & Al- BirehJericho & Al-AghwarJerusalemBethlehemHebronTotal
Assault \ Fighting17642101224134510107
Severe Assault Causing Disabilities152910812956195572422635703
Assault Causing Slight Injuries62023650964536034591118019473914786217
Illegal Entry to Others Property291111213716311481043231
Other crimes against the lives of individuals172211445662319383685501

Note: Data excluded Gaza Strip and those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.
Assault: It is Refers to physical attack against another person, including beating. Some criminal or penal codes distinguish between aggravated and simple assault depending on the degree of the resulting injury. For instance, aggravated assault involves attack with intentions to commit other crimes; attack under serious and inhuman conditions; the use of destructive weapons; attack on children; and any other dissolute attack. Simple assault involves attack not associated with criminal intentions, i.e. raising of a hand as a threat or unsuccessful attempt to beat."
Source: Directorate General of the Palestinian Police