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PCBS | Reported Narcotic Drugs Offenses in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023

Reported Narcotic Drugs Offenses in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023
Publish Date:09-07-2024
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Type of Criminal OffenseJeninTubas & Northern ValleysTulkarmNablusQalqiliyaSafitRamallah & Al- BirehJericho & Al-AghwarJerusalemBethlehemHebronTotal
Trading and Circulating250276111276301923175

Note: Data excluded Gaza Strip and those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.
Drug Crimes: Intentional acts that involve the cultivation, production, manufacture, extraction, preparation, sale, distribution, purchase, delivery on any terms whatsoever, brokerage, dispatch in transit, transport, import and export of drugs and psychotropic substances."
Source: Directorate General of the Palestinian Police