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PCBS | Reported Fraud Offenses in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023

Reported Fraud Offenses in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2023
Publish Date:09-07-2024
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Type of Criminal OffenseJeninTubas & Northern ValleysTulkarmNablusQalqiliyaSafitRamallah & Al- BirehJericho & Al-AghwarJerusalemBethlehemHebronTotal
Claiming Others Identity (Impersonation)40210117725039
Official Documents Forgery746513744221477
Forgery Checks\ Hot Checks00000011000314
Forgery / Currency Counterfeit Money22719142271412312132
Fraud\ swindle771654746064162371877232871

Note: Data excluded Gaza Strip and those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.
Fraud: The acquisition of the property of another by deception."
Source: Directorate General of the Palestinian Police