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PCBS | International Investment Position (IIP) stocks by Economic Sectors for Palestine* at the end of the Second Quarter 2024

International Investment Position (IIP) stocks by Economic Sectors for Palestine* at the end of the Second Quarter 2024
 Value in USD million 
Publish Date:29-09-2024
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     Economic Sector   Monetary Authorities (PMA)Government SectorBanks SectorOther Sectors Nonbank Financial Corporations Non-Financial Corporations  and NGO's SectorOther Sector House-Holds SectorTOTAL
International Investment Position (net)**14712775232-651-10615268
 Total External Assets 1471160072809184311312
   Foreign Direct Investment Abroad0003012303
   Portfolio Investments Abroad1490104849201689
   Other Investments Abroad13116006232125418129
      Of which: currency and deposits***1310619212416376
   Reserve Assets119100001191
 Total Foreign Liabilities 013232048156911046044
   Foreign Direct Investment in Palestine001115104011043259
   Foreign Portfolio Investments in Palestine001624710633
   Foreign Other Investments in Palestine013237715802152
      Of which: Loans from abroad01323965801477
      Of which: currency and deposits****0067500675

 -The Data in the Table Above are Closed to the Nearest Integer.
- The Data Does not Include the Value of land Owned by Non-Residents
*: The data excludes those part of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli occupation in 1967
**International Investment Position (net): Equals Total External Assets Minus Total Foreign Liabilities.
*** Currency and Deposits: Including Residents Deposits in Banks Abroad In addition to Foreign Currency Cash in Palestinian Economy.
**** Currency And Deposits: Include the Deposits of Non-residents Deposited in Local Banks.