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PCBS | Detailed Indicators of Foreign Trade in Palestine* 2022-2023

Detailed Indicators of Foreign Trade in Palestine* 2022-2023
Value in Million USD

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Publish Date:24-11-2024
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Total Exports in Goods1525.21521.4
Total Imports in Goods9088.68270.5
Net Trade Balance in Goods-7563.5-6749.1
Total Exports From West Bank*1492.41496.9
Total Exports From Gaza Strip32.824.5
Total Imports From Israel4750.44436.9
Total Exports to Israel1299.01277.6
Total Exports of Services to Israel245.1250.3
Total Imports of Services From Israel209.3215.8
Net Trade Balance in Services35.834.5

Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics 2024. Foreign Trade Statistics. Ramallah ـ Palestine.
Definition (Exports): It refers to whole commodities that are exported or re-exported outside the country, conditioned with ownership transcription to another economy or to free customs regions as a discount from the national economy.
Definition (Imports):It refers to whole commodities entering the country by air, land and sea that are used in consumption, for conversion in the manufacturing sector and for re-exportation.
Definition (Net Trade Balance): The difference between total exports and total imports.
(*): Data excluded those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967.