Balance of Payments In Palestine* for the 2023
(Value in million USD)
Publish Date:22-12-2024
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Indicator | 2023 |
Current account (net) | -2322.3 |
Goods (net) | -6562.6 |
Exports (fob) | 2609.8 |
Imports (fob) | 9172.4 |
Services (net) | -1298.0 |
Exports | 557.4 |
Imports | 1855.4 |
Income (net) | 3675.3 |
Receipts | 3752.3 |
Compensation of employees | 3423.1 |
Of which from Israel | 3377.9 |
Investment income | 329.2 |
Payments | 77.0 |
Current transfers (net) | 1863.0 |
Inflows | 2349.4 |
To the government sector | 429.5 |
of which from Donors transfers | 180.7 |
To the other sectors | 1919.9 |
of which from Donors transfers | 150.2 |
Outflows | 486.4 |
Capital and financial account (net)** | 1644.2 |
Capital account (net) | 545.4 |
Capital transfers (net) | 545.4 |
Inflows | 545.4 |
To the government sector | 207.3 |
of which from Donors transfers | 207.2 |
To the other sectors | 338.2 |
Outflows | 0.0 |
Acquisition / disposal of non-Produced non-financial assets non-financial assets (net) | 0.0 |
Financial account (net)** | 1098.8 |
Foreign Direct investment (net) | 288.8 |
Change in investment abroad (net) | -10.7 |
Change in investment in Palestine (net) | 299.5 |
Foreign Portfolio investment (net) | -82.0 |
Change in Assets (net) | -128.4 |
Change in Liabilities (net) | 46.4 |
Foreign Other investment (net) | 1318.7 |
Change in Assets (net) | 1250.3 |
Of which Loans to nonresidents | -29.5 |
Of which Currency and deposits*** | 1801.2 |
Change in Liabilities (net) | 68.4 |
Of which Loans nonresidents | 37.8 |
Of which Currency and deposits | 28.0 |
Net errors and omissions**** | 678.1 |
Overall balance | 426.7 |
Financing | -426.7 |
Exceptional financing | 0.0 |
Change in Reserve assets (- = Increase/+= decrease) | -426.7 |