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PCBS | Balance of Payments In Palestine* for the 2023

Balance of Payments In Palestine* for the 2023
(Value in million USD)
Publish Date:22-12-2024
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Current account (net)-2322.3
Goods (net)-6562.6
Exports (fob)2609.8
Imports (fob)9172.4
Services (net)-1298.0
Income (net)3675.3
Receipts 3752.3
Compensation of employees3423.1
Of which from Israel3377.9
Investment income 329.2
Current transfers (net)1863.0
Inflows 2349.4
To the government sector429.5
of which from Donors transfers180.7
To the other sectors1919.9
of which from Donors transfers150.2
Capital and financial account (net)**1644.2
Capital account (net)545.4
Capital transfers (net)545.4
To the government sector207.3
of which from Donors transfers207.2
To the other sectors338.2
Acquisition / disposal of non-Produced non-financial assets non-financial assets (net)0.0
Financial account (net)**1098.8
Foreign Direct investment (net)288.8
Change in investment abroad (net)-10.7
Change in investment in Palestine (net)299.5
Foreign Portfolio investment (net)-82.0
Change in Assets (net)-128.4
Change in Liabilities (net)46.4
Foreign Other investment (net)1318.7
Change in Assets (net)1250.3
Of which Loans to nonresidents-29.5
Of which Currency and deposits***1801.2
Change in Liabilities (net)68.4
Of which Loans nonresidents37.8
Of which Currency and deposits28.0
Net errors and omissions****678.1
Overall balance426.7
Financing -426.7
Exceptional financing0.0
Change in Reserve assets (- = Increase/+= decrease)-426.7

*The data excludes those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israel occupation in 1967.
** Includes Reserve Assets.
*** Currency and deposits: Including the cash of foreign currency in the banks and the deposits of the Palestinian institutions deposited abroad.
**** Currency and deposits : Includes the deposits of non-residents deposited in Local banks.
***** Errors and omissions (net): Includes the different between current account (net) one hand and capital and financial account (net) on the other hand.
• PCPS and PMA have revised and updated the current account of balance of payments time series data for the period 2013-2022 based on the national accounts updates for the same period to ensure consistency between the balance of payments and the national accounts data.
The data of Financial account will be updated according to the recomdations of IMF technical mission due to this topic.