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PCBS | Reported Criminal Offenses in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2020

Reported Criminal Offenses in Palestine by Type of Criminal Offense and Governorate, 2020
Publish Date:15-08-2021
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Type of Criminal OffenseJeninTubas & Northern ValleysTulkarmNablusQalqiliyaSafitRamallah & Al- BirehJericho & Al-AghwarJerusalemBethlehemHebronTotalHomicide Crime per 100 thousand of the population
Murder\ Attempt4551557211231514255828810.5
Kidnapping \ Attempt81831148252213181756.4
Rape\ Attempt23175181787310903.3
Assault on Private and Public Properties583143148281134469117144743135452951107.1
Harming \ Immoral Offenses2456013322419940980853962113752813102.1
Using or Trading Narcotic Drugs1524929812328158159111158184146171962.4
Theft\ Robbery548501572441281425075101032113202920106.0
Forgery \ Fraud14922368233401397637235205105438.3
Prejudice the Course of Justice7927514535912222214717661622.4
Assualt Government Employees15523441026220182024726460421.9
Possessing \ Trading with Expired Food or Medicine1000010000350.2
Unlawful Possession of Arms\Shooting3851212982329941314.8
Suspected Crimes198211007763241524417515990532.8
Crimes Against Public Order1134241187313132310557246110440.1
Crime of breach of trust\ corruption6021438416577926186618665623.8

"Note (1): The number of reported criminal offenses per 100 thousand of the population without crimes suspect 919.5
(2): Data excluded Gaza Strip and those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli Occupation in 1967."
Crime: Any act involving a violation of the law or public rights and duties towards the state or society in general."
Source: Directorate General of the Palestinian Police