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TitleDate of IssueRemarksPDFWordhtml ENhtml AR
The Building Licenses in Palestine, First Quarter 202412/06/2024 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Fourth Quarter 202310/03/2024 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Third Quarter 202312/12/2023 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Second Quarter 202307/09/2023 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, First Quarter 202313/06/2023 
PCBS: The Building Licenses in Palestine, Fourth Quarter 202209/03/2023 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Third Quarter 202212/12/2022 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Second Quarter 202207/09/2022 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, First Quarter 202213/06/2022 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Fourth Quarter 202109/03/2022 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Third Quarter 202112/12/2021 
PCBS: The Building Licenses in Palestine, Second Quarter 202107/09/2021 
PCBS: The Building Licenses in Palestine, First Quarter 202113/06/2021 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Fourth Quarter 202009/03/2021 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Third Quarter 202010/12/2020 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Second Quarter 202007/09/2020 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, First Quarter 202011/06/2020 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Fourth Quarter 201909/03/2020 
PCBS: The Building Licenses in Palestine, Third Quarter 201909/12/2019 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Second Quarter 201902/09/2019 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, First Quarter 2019 11/06/2019 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Second Quarter 2015 31/08/2015 
PCBS: The Building Licenses in Palestine, First Quarter 2015 31/05/2015 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Of Fourth Quarter 201426/02/2015 
Building Licenses in Palestine, Third Quarter, 2014.11/12/2014 
Existing Buildings Survey, 201304/06/2014 
Building licenses in Palestine, First Quarter, 201428/05/2014 
The Building Licenses in Palestine, Of Fourth Quarter 201326/02/2014 
Building licenses in Palestine, Third Quarter, 2013 .27/11/2013 
Building licenses for the Second Quarter of 2013 27/08/2013 
The Statistical Report on Existing Buildings Survey 201204/06/2013 
Statistical Report on building licenses for the First Quarter of 2013 29/05/2013 
Building Licenses in Palestine, Fourth Quarter 201227/02/2013 
The Statistical Report on building licenses for the Third Quarter of 201218/11/2012 
PCBS: A Statistical Report on building licenses for the Second Quarter of 2012 .27/08/2012 
PCBS: A Statistical Report on Existing Building Survey 2011 .03/06/2012 
PCBS: A Statistical Report on building licenses for the First Quarter of 2012 .28/05/2012 
PCBS: Statistical Report on building licenses for the Third Quarter of 2011 .24/11/2011 
PCBS: The Statistical Report Existing Buildings Survey 201006/09/2011 
PCBS: Releases a Statistical Report on building licenses for the Second Quarter of 2011 28/08/2011 
PCBS: Releases a Statistical Report on building licenses for the First Quarter of 201129/05/2011 
PCBS: Statistical Report on building licenses for the Fourth Quarter of 2010 in the West Bank24/02/2011 
PCBS Releases the Statistical report on building licenses for the Third Quarter of 2010 in the West Bank 25/11/2010 
PCBS:Releases a Statistical Report on building licenses for the Second Quarter of 2010 in the West Bank26/08/2010 
PCBS: Statistical report on building licenses for the First Quarter of 2010 in the West Bank27/05/2010 
PCBS: Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Fourth Quarter of 2009 in the West Bank24/02/2010 
PCBS: Released the results of Existing Buildings Survey in the West Bank 200906/02/2010 
PCBS :"Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Third Quarter of 2009" in the West Bank11/12/2009 
PCBS Issues "Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Second Quarter of 2009" in the West Bank19/08/2009 
PCBS:released the results of Existing Building Survey in Palestinian Territory 200823/07/2009 
Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the First Quarter of 2009 in Remaining West Bank21/05/2009 
PCBS Releases Statistical Report on Building Licenses or the Third Quarter of 2008" In Remaining West Bank20/11/2008 
PCBS Releases Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Third Quarter of 200720/11/2007 
PCBS: Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Second Quarter of 200720/08/2007 
PCBS released the results of Existing Building Survey 200616/06/2007 
PCBS: Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the First Quarter of 200720/05/2007 
PCBS: Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Fourth Quarter of 200620/02/2007 
PCBS: Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Third Quarter of 200621/11/2006 
PCBS: Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Second Quarter of 200620/08/2006 
PCBS: the results of Existing Building Survey 200524/05/2006 
Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the First Quarter of 200620/05/2006 
Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Fourth Quarter of 200519/02/2006 
Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Third Quarter of 2005 17/12/2005 
Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the First Quarter of 200520/11/2005 
Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Second Quarter of 200520/11/2005 
The results of Existing Building Survey 2001, 200206/06/2005 
A report about statistics of building licenses in the Palestinian Territory _2003 06/06/2005 
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics released the results of Existing Building Survey 200406/05/2005 
Statistical Report on Building Licenses for the Fourth Quarter of 200406/05/2005 
Statistical Report about Building Licenses Statistics for the Second Quarter of 200406/05/2005 
Press Release about the results of Existing Building Survey 200306/05/2005 
A Statistical Report about Building Licenses Statistics in the Palestinian Territory for the First Quarter of 200406/05/2005 
A Statistical Report about Building Licenses in the Palestinian Territory for the Fourth Quarter 200306/05/2005 
A Statistical Report about Building Licenses in the Palestinian Territory through the Third Quarter 2003 06/05/2005 