H.E. Dr. Awad highlights the status of the Palestinian Woman on the Eve of the International Women’s Day on 08/03/2025
Annual StatisticsArea and Production of Field Crops in Palestine by Type of Irrigation and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Field Crops in Palestine by Type of Irrigation and Governorate, 2010/2011Area and Production of Vegetables in Palestine by Type of Irrigation, Type of Protection and Region, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Vegetables in Palestine by Type of Irrigation and Governorate, 2010/2011Number and Area of Unbearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Crop and Region, As in 01/10/2011Number, Area and Production of Bearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Crop and Region, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Crop and Region, As in 01/10/2011Percentage Distribution for Number of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Crop and Region, As in 01/10/2011Number and Area of Unbearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Irrigation and Region, As in 01/10/2011Number, Area and Production of Bearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Irrigation and Region, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Irrigation and Region, As in 01/10/2011Percentage Distribution for Number of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in Palestine by Type of Irrigation and Region, As in 01/10/2011Cultivated Area of Horticulture Trees, Vegetables and Field Crops in Palestine by Governorate, 2010/2011Area and Production of Field Crops in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation and Governorate, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Field Crops in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation and Governorate, 2010/2011Area and Production of Vegetables in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation, Type of Protection and Region, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Vegetables in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation and Governorate, 2010/2011Number and Area of Unbearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Crop and Region, As in 01/10/2011Number, Area and Production of Bearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Crop and Region, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Crop and Region, As in 01/10/2011Percentage Distribution for Number of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Crop and Region, As in 01/10/20Number and Area of Unbearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation and Region, As in 01/10/2011Number, Area and Production of Bearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation and Region, 2010/2011Percentage Distribution for Area of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation and Region, As in 01/1Percentage Distribution for Number of Bearing and Unbearing Horticulture Trees in the Palestinian Territory by Type of Irrigation and Region, As in 01Cultivated Area of Horticulture Trees, Vegetables and Field Crops in the Palestinian Territory by Governorate, 2010/2011
Time Series StatisticsBasic Changes for the Crop Production in the Palestinian Territory, 1993\1994 - 2007\2008
Main IndicatorsSelected Agricultural Indicators about the Crop Production in Palestine, 2010/2011Selected Agricultural Indicators about the Crop Production in the Palestinian Territory, 2010/2011