H.E. Dr. Awad highlights the status of the Palestinian Woman on the Eve of the International Women’s Day on 08/03/2025
Annual StatisticsPercentage Distribution of Economic Establishments in Palestine* by the Periodicity of Non-Separated Solid Waste Collection and Region, 2017Percentage Distribution of Economic Establishments that Transfer their Solid Waste to the Nearest Container in Palestine* by Type of Container which Used for Solid Waste Collection and Region, 2017Percentage Distribution of Economic Establishments in Palestine* by the Transportation Method of Non-Separated Solid Waste Inside the Establishment and Region, 2017Percentage Distribution of Economic Establishments in Palestine* by the Means where Non-Separated Solid Waste Put in and Region, 2017Percentage Distribution of Economic Establishments in Palestine* by the Doer of Solid Waste Disposal and Region, 2017Estimated Monthly Quantity of Generated Solid Waste from the Economic Establishments in Palestine* by Region, 2017Percentage Distribution of Educational Establishments (Kindergarten) in Palestine by the Doer of Transporting Solid Waste from the Educational Establishment, Region and Governorate, 2016Percentage Distribution of Educational Establishments (Higher and General Education) in Palestine by the Doer of Transporting Solid Waste from the Educational Establishment, Sector, Region and Governorate, 2016Percentage Distribution of Educational Establishments (Kindergartens) in Palestine by Fianl Solid Waste Disposal Method In Case There is No Big Container for Solid Waste Collection, Sector, Region and Governorate, 2016 Percentage Distribution of Educational Establishments (Higher and General Education) in Palestine by Final Solid Waste Disposal Method In Case There is No Big Container for Solid Waste Collection, Sector, Region and Governorate, 2016Percentage Distribution of Households in Palestine by the Solid Waste Disposal Doer and Region, 2015Percentage Distribution of Health Facilities (Governmental and Non-Governmental) in Palestine by the Doer of Solid Waste Disposal and Region, 2014Estimated Monthly Quantity of Generated Solid Waste From Health Facilities (Governmental and Non-Governmental) in Palestine by Region, 2014
Time Series StatisticsMain Selected Environmental Indicators about the Economic Establishments Activity in Palestine* for the Years 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017Selected Environmental Indicators about the Educational Establishments in Palestine,2014 and 2016Main Selected Environmental Indicators About Solid Waste For Health Facilities (Governmental and Non-Governmental) in Palestine 2012, 2014
Main IndicatorsSelected Environmental Indicators about the Educational Establishments in Palestine, 2016Main Selected Indicators about the Educational Establishments in Palestine from Environmental Sides, 2014Main Selected Environmental Indicators About Health Facilities (Governmental and Non-Governmental) in Palestine, 2014