H.E. Dr. Awad highlights the status of the Palestinian Woman on the Eve of the International Women’s Day on 08/03/2025
Annual StatisticsPercentage of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Agriculture, Hunting & Fishing Activity from the Total Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in All Economic Activities in Palestine by Region and Sex, 2021Average Daily Wage in NIS for Wage Employees Aged 15 Years and Above in Agriculture, Hunting & Fishing Activity and Average Daily Wage in all Economic Activities in Palestine* by Region,Year and Activity, 2017- 2021Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Agriculture, Hunting & Fishing Activity in Palestine by Region,Employment Status and Sex, 2021Percentage of Employed Individuals Aged 15 Years and Above in Agriculture, Hunting & Fishing Activity from the Total Employees in All Economic Activities by Region and Sex, 2017-2021